Saturday, 1 October 2011

اسامہ کی بیوہ کو چھڑانے کا منصوبہ ناکام بنا دیا گیا،برطانوی اخبار

KARACHI: A Taliban plot to snatch Osama Bin Laden’s youngest widow from custody has been foiled, it was revealed last night. Terror chief Mullah Omar ordered 500 men to raid a safe house in Pakistan where Amal Abdulfattah was being interrogated with two more Bin Laden brides.
The paper accused that the location was leaked by an informer in Pakistan’s ISI intelligence service.
But the assault was cancelled when the trio and up to five of Bin Laden’s children were moved after tip-offs.
The Sun claimed that the ISI sources told the paper, “For weeks we’ve been intercepting calls and getting alerts from our men in tribal areas that the raid was on. Now we are all under orders to tighten security around the Bin Laden family.
“Concern is so great we moved them three times in recent weeks.”
The family was last night believed to be at a fortified compound in the capital Islamabad.
Amal, 29, was injured leaping in front of the Al-Qaeda chief as US soldiers killed him in May. Pakistani security sources say she is refusing to co-operate with them.
The Yemeni-born firebrand has a daughter, ten, by Bin Laden and officials fear they may be new figureheads for the terror organisation if they are sprung.
Another source close to the ISI said: “Amal boasts that she can use guns and even rocket-launchers. She says she wants to lead a war on infidels and train her kids as mujahideen.”

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